Sunday, December 5, 2010

Queue?? What do you mean there's a QUEUE?!

Last night, or rather in the whee hours of this morning I found out there is a Queue for getting into .... seriously? No, for real! There is one!

I got on this morning (more like noon) and double checked to make sure I wasn't hallucinating from the fact that it was 4 am and I was so tiered that I was hyper.

Yup, there is still a Queue, but I was less freaked out because today the Queue is a little over an hour, where as last night/early morning it was over 8 hours long! One of my poor guildies just got a game card and now he has to wait to get in....  -.-

So as I write this post, I am waiting to get into, That up there is proof of the craziness....but then, in my grief stricken state, I get this message:

I'm unsure if this is cause for lol's or QQ's ....Maybe both! No seriously, that little sad face actually popped up on my screen.... it's sad FOR me....

Last night I also learned that when WotLK came out, there were Queue times to get ON to your servers....lame....and not just any amount of time, it was exuberant amounts, like 30-90 min! o.o

With Cata it might be even worse....I'm hoping Blizz thoroughly prepared them selves for this....I doubt it of course, actually the idea is quite laughable, but one can hope....

I must prepare some how for this untimely doom do-erness.... But how? Right....I'LL BLOG! :D

But first, I must be brave and drive down a very steep hill with snow everywhere to buy food because unfortunately I have not yet found a way to sustain my life force with out proper sustenance....And I'm running dangerously low on Nutella....only one Jar in the house.... O.o

Until next time....Probably later today....

Update: I made it home safely with food, YAY! Also, I'm still in "Queue" and somehow it has now jumped to 2 Hours and 57 min. O.o

Edit.... Apparently its spelled "Queue" not  "Que" So I had to fix it all....*sigh*

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