Sunday, December 5, 2010

My First Follower!

YAY! I have a follower! Thanks Trish! I don't know who you are but you just made my day, quite possibly my week! For being first, and quite possibly the only follower, I'll let you pick a WoW topic for me to discuss, got question(s)? I might be able to answer them! Maybe you would like to figure out why squirrels and ADOS are so important to WoW addicts....or maybe you would just like to know how to set a key bind, macro maybe?

Notice I said WoW addicts, because lets face it people, there are not "WoW gamers or players" there are only addicts.

Of course, now I'm paranoid that it's a random happenstance, and they might be just a troll....who will inevitably leave me and my blog.....But I'll chose to be positive and "hope" that Trish really is just a cool person who was like.... "Huh, this seems interesting!" :D :D


  1. Hi,

    I am a total Noob to WoW :) I was looking for a couple blogs about it to get hints and tips. I played a bit over a year ago but had to quit due to $$$ issues. I'm back though and loving it. A LOT has changed. Really looking forward to Cata tomorrow :)

    I was thinking about an idea and I remember trying to do macros when I was playing before. It was so difficult for me the first time around that I haven't tried it again. Mabey You could give some pointers on how to set up macros?

    Thanks so much. :)

  2. :D! Absolutely! I'll get right on that! I'll show you different macros of mine, and step by step how to make your own.... When I first started playing it drove me nuts when I couldn't find some "basic" I really hope I'll be of use!

    And by all means let me know what you think! :D
