Tuesday, December 7, 2010

First adventure with Cataclysm....

So, here's the thing, I wasn't going to go at midnight and get Cataclysm because I didn't have the car until later (like 11pm) and it was about 2 degrees out side, no joke! And as stated before, there's a scary hill of doom that I have to face. That hill, even in daylight, is scary, but at night it's down right death-defying.....

Well, at about 11:30pm I told my guild I was getting off early and going to sleep, since I would be going first thing to GameStop in the morning. I was all like....

"Okay, love you guys! I'm off to bed YAY Cata! Can't wait to get started tomorrow!"

And they were all like,

"Awwww okay B, we'll get started tomorrow, try to actually sleep and not sit there fidgeting because your so excited!"

And so then there was some laughter and I was literally this close to signing out:

And I hear, 

"Hey B, wait, you should go now, because I need to use the car in the morning!"

And my face did something like this:   -.-

And then I laughed a little at the situation.....

Then I was like, 

"Okay, never mind guys, I'm going to get Cataclysm RIGHT NOW!"

And they just laughed.....I did too, but mostly because I was dieing on the inside, half excited and half terrified of the hill of doom.....

I finally got out the door, bundled up, got down the hill doing 1-2 miles an hour, not so bad at night actually. There were no other cars in my way and I could do my own thing, like die, and no one would notice or have to save me. When I finally looked at the time, it was 10 min to 12am! But it's okay, or so I told myself, because we live in a relatively small town and I could get to the "mall" in 10 min. I also gave myself a few minutes lee-way because they couldn't actually start handing out the game until 12:01, which meant there would be extra time for all the people who were in line.

Yea, no. Not so at all, I got there at 12:04, the parking lot was deserted, and by some dumb luck, I happened to see some people coming out of the door and I, being crazy as I am, did a crazy awesome parking maneuver and called out to them. "HEY! Hold the door for me pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee!"

There was a brief moment of O.o <-- Puzzlement, but they complied. I ran, or more like slid across the drive way to the door, thanked them profusely and went inside. 

I know where GamesStop is, so I took a sharp right and noticed that....there was NO line....in fact, it looked like they were closing!

Then it became an action packed suspense movie, and all of a sudden I was running in slow motion towards the door, my hair whipping around me all action-y like. (indulge me a little)

When I got to the door, there were three men/boys, basically getting ready to go, but I was like NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!! You must let me have my CATACLYSM o.o!!!!!

And maybe I looked like a crazed lunatic so they were all like:

"Sure, whats your phone number?"

It was all very quick, and in about a minute I had my DELUXE copy in my hand, I was very happy.

But it doesn't end there, because my -.- husband was like, "Can you go pick up some eggs?" -.-

I wanted to say, "NO! Its 12:00am! And it's 2 degrees outside! Are you nuts?!"

But I couldn't, because I just spent $80 on a deluxe copy of Cataclysm, and it just wouldn't seem right. So of course I had to be the ONE weirdo in a grocery store, with the stock boys looking at me all weird.....I got the eggs tho, AND I made it all the way home UP the stupid hill of doom.


And then of course, there was the tortured hour of waiting for the server to be up and ready and for it to let me IN so I could start getting guild rep.... There was no way I was going to bed now.....not until maybe 5:30 am.... >.>


Monday, December 6, 2010

Macros....simpler than you'd expect!

As previously asked by Trish, my first and currently only follower, (lol) I will do a simple walk-through on how to make a macro and macro uses....

Lets get started :D

First, you need to click on the little bubble icon near your chat pane. I realize some people have all kinds of cool add-ons that make the U.I. (User Interface) completely different, in that case you will need to open your game menu and then click "Macros."

The Macro Menu will look like this:

You will need to click "New"

Name your Macro, as you can tell I have lots of Macros, I strongly suggest you name it something short so that you will be able to recognize it quickly!

After you've come up with a name, scroll through the hundreds of crazy awesome icons until you find something that you like, click it and then press Okay. this will make that extra box on the right disappear and you will then be able to write in the "Command" box....

Okay, Now you have the basic concept of how to get to your macro menu and how to create a macro. But lets get a little more detailed, there are simple macros, like the hug macro shown here: 

Notice that in order to hug someone as an emote, you need to use the slash command, so you would type " /hug " 

If you just want to make a macro that "says" something, like if you were to spam trade chat with your guild's recruitment info, or maybe your vent info, you could just type in the words like this:

Here I have my noob poem, in my guild, when someone says noob, sometimes I bust out with the noob poem, I don't usually like to make "say" macros bound to a certain chat but you could if you wanted to. All you would have to do is add "/p" for party or "/g" for guild before each line, and make sure you have a space after the " /p" 

Of course, one of the most useful things about macros is the ability to pop certain cool downs all at once so you're not wasting time clicking on all of the icons in your action bar.

Here I have my mage's macro for when she is in Arcane spec.

#showtooltip   <---- This you put in when all your casts have different CD (cool down) times, basically you chose one of the casts to be the "timer" for your macro.

/use  <---- this is for "items" that can be "used", like trinkets for example, here I use the "Shard of the Crystal Heart"

/cast  <---- This is for all your spells or abilities.

One of the most important rules for these kinds of macros is to make sure you type the name of the "item" or "spell/ability" correctly and exactly as it is shown in your spell book.

Once you have completed your macro, you need to click on the Icon in the Macro Menu and then drag it into an open spot on you action bar, only then can it be clicked and used.

And there you have it! I hope this was helpful to you!

Up next will be how to set a key bind! Fun Fun! :D


Sunday, December 5, 2010

My First Follower!

YAY! I have a follower! Thanks Trish! I don't know who you are but you just made my day, quite possibly my week! For being first, and quite possibly the only follower, I'll let you pick a WoW topic for me to discuss, got question(s)? I might be able to answer them! Maybe you would like to figure out why squirrels and ADOS are so important to WoW addicts....or maybe you would just like to know how to set a key bind, macro maybe?

Notice I said WoW addicts, because lets face it people, there are not "WoW gamers or players" there are only addicts.

Of course, now I'm paranoid that it's a random happenstance, and they might be just a troll....who will inevitably leave me and my blog.....But I'll chose to be positive and "hope" that Trish really is just a cool person who was like.... "Huh, this seems interesting!" :D :D

Queue?? What do you mean there's a QUEUE?!

Last night, or rather in the whee hours of this morning I found out there is a Queue for getting into Battle.net .... seriously? No, for real! There is one!

I got on this morning (more like noon) and double checked to make sure I wasn't hallucinating from the fact that it was 4 am and I was so tiered that I was hyper.

Yup, there is still a Queue, but I was less freaked out because today the Queue is a little over an hour, where as last night/early morning it was over 8 hours long! One of my poor guildies just got a game card and now he has to wait to get in....  -.-

So as I write this post, I am waiting to get into battle.net, That up there is proof of the craziness....but then, in my grief stricken state, I get this message:

I'm unsure if this is cause for lol's or QQ's ....Maybe both! No seriously, that little sad face actually popped up on my screen.... it's sad FOR me....

Last night I also learned that when WotLK came out, there were Queue times to get ON to your servers....lame....and not just any amount of time, it was exuberant amounts, like 30-90 min! o.o

With Cata it might be even worse....I'm hoping Blizz thoroughly prepared them selves for this....I doubt it of course, actually the idea is quite laughable, but one can hope....

I must prepare some how for this untimely doom do-erness.... But how? Right....I'LL BLOG! :D

But first, I must be brave and drive down a very steep hill with snow everywhere to buy food because unfortunately I have not yet found a way to sustain my life force with out proper sustenance....And I'm running dangerously low on Nutella....only one Jar in the house.... O.o

Until next time....Probably later today....

Update: I made it home safely with food, YAY! Also, I'm still in "Queue" and somehow it has now jumped to 2 Hours and 57 min. O.o

Edit.... Apparently its spelled "Queue" not  "Que" So I had to fix it all....*sigh*

Saturday, December 4, 2010

First, a poem!

Noobly Noob

There once was a Noobly Noob
Who noobed like no other could noob.
He couldn't pwn Hogger try as he might,
So he had to call on his friend the Death Knight.
One day, he fell off the Mage Tower and died of fright,
And all of Stormwind laughed at the sight.

I wrote this within my first months of playing WoW, it seemed quite fitting since I was a total noob at the time.
It is also the inspiration for this blog!

Over time, I have become a more informed noob! Some times I very much still consider my self a noob, only because as with all things, there is always someone who is better than you, or knows more than you! The secret is to surround your self with those who do know.

I'd like to use this blog to help people, Noobs especially! But even those who have played a long time might need a reference here and there....

With Cataclysm coming out in just 2 days, I thought it would be great to have a place to share my thoughts and "adventures". Enjoy!